Carus L

Robust design with generous base – Ideal as a shelf for firewood.

Color:Item number:EAN:
farbe rust 1 Rusty8009054260549660073

Technical details:

MaterialSteel/stainless steel
Size (L x W x H)102 x 102 x 87 cm
Grill plate Ø102 cm
Grill grate Ø45 cm
Weightapprox. 107 kg
Pack size (L x W x H)104 x 104 x 70,4 cm
Scope of deliverySteel grill plate, fire bowl, base, supply air control,
Ash grate and ash bucket


Art object, fireplace and grill in one

The combination of fireplace and barbecue gives pleasure to young and old in all seasons. It can be fired with firewood or classic charcoal and becomes the centre of every cosy round. A wide range of accessories completes the offer.

remundi classic carus atmo

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Carus L

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